You've likely heard of self-care as it applies to your physical health, but what about financial self-care when it comes to your financial well-being?
In the same way that engaging in acts of self-care increases your energy and overall happiness, taking steps toward financial self-care can help you to feel in control, and ultimately more positive about your money. The holiday season can often bring stressful feelings about money, so what better time to engage in a little TLC?
We're here to help with our top tips to put your financial self first this year.
1. Find some balance
A popular self-care tip for your body is focusing on eating a balanced diet. Apply the same principle to your finances by paying attention to what goes in and what comes out of your bank account. This means creating a budget (and we've got a calculator to help). Knowing the amount you have available to spend and not exceeding it helps you to achieve a healthy balance.
2. Reset and recharge
Just like your body benefits from a routine of restful sleep night after night, so too can your finances. Introduce routine to your finances by pre-scheduling your monthly bill payments online and automate things like savings contributions where you can. Focusing on all your money to-dos at once frees you from having to take time week after week to complete them one by one. You'll feel renewed by all the time you'll save.
3. Relieve stress
The negative impacts of stress are just as real for your money as they are for your mind and body. Reducing or eliminating one money stressor, whether it be debt, a stagnant savings account or an overdue bill, goes a long way. Create a plan to tackle your debt, set up pre-authorized contributions to reinvigorate your savings, or plan installment payments to get that bill off your back and breathe easier.
4. Redefine quality time with family and friends
Leveraging your relationships and spending quality time with friends and family is another popular self-care tip. Unfortunately, "quality time" can easily translate to expenses, like dinner at a restaurant or tickets to a movie or event. Instead of spending on experiences, take a look at unique, free events happening in your area (we've got some ideas on our community events calendar).
5. Give yourself a break
It's important to take time for yourself regularly and indulge in something just for you. It could be as simple as enjoying a latte or as lavish as a massage (check into whether you can claim it under your employer's health benefits program). Don't feel guilty – as long as it works within your budget, it's worth it.
Engage in any or all of these self-care tips any time you need a financial self-esteem boost. The more you do, the more confident you'll feel about your money.