Do you have questions about careers at Servus? We have answers to the most commonly asked questions.
How do I know if I meet the position posting criteria?
Each posting outlines the specific education and experience requirements for the position. You should take a moment to review the stated qualifications and compare them to your resumé. This will help you to determine whether to submit your application.
How do I apply for employment with Servus Credit Union?
You can apply online by filling out a short application form and attaching your cover letter and resumé. You also have the option of mailing your resumé to Human Resources or dropping it off at any branch.
Will I get a confirmation of receipt after I submit my resumé?
Only applications submitted online receive automatic confirmation of receipt.
What happens to my resumé once I’ve applied?
If you are applying for a specific position, your resumé will be directed automatically to the Servus recruiter or hiring manager responsible for the role. After evaluating your skills and background, you may be contacted for further information or a phone interview.
How long will my resumé stay on file?
Your resumé will stay on file for a period of six months.
Can I update information on a resumé I have already submitted?
Please resubmit your resumé as positions open up. This ensures that we always have your most recent resumé on file.
What is Servus Credit Union's general recruitment process?
Once resumés are received, they are all reviewed against the minimum qualifications for a particular position.
1. Short-listed candidates are contacted by Human Resources or the hiring manager to set up an interview.
2. Interviews are scheduled and conducted.
3. Background checks – education, credit, criminal - and references are conducted on candidates being considered for employment.
4. The successful candidate is contacted.
Why does Servus Credit Union's conduct a background check?
It is a condition of employment that all employees be bonded while employed with Servus. Employees must provide information about their ability to meet bond requirements.
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