Member's responsibilities for secure Internet access
While Servus Credit Union uses its best efforts to provide a safe and secure online banking service, you as a member also have responsibilities to protect yourself and your personal information. In order to protect your personal information we need to work together.
The following precautions, although not intended to be exhaustive, should be followed to avoid unauthorized access to your personal, business or financial information.
Use strong passwords
When selecting an access code or password you should not use personal information that might be guessed by another party. Your password should be unique. Do not use your name or the name of a close relative, friend or pet. Do not use anyone’s birth date, address number or telephone number.
You must create a password that has at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character from one of the following " ! # $ % & ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
You should change your access code or password on a regular basis. Avoid passwords or codes that are similar in whole or in part to other existing passwords, personal identification numbers or security codes.
Keep your password confidential
Your access code or password should never be revealed or disclosed to anyone. If you become suspicious that another party has learned your access code or password you should immediately change it.
Do not leave your computer unattended
You should not leave your computer unattended when connected to Servus Credit Union's online banking web site.
Delete information from your cache
We highly recommend that you clear your cache after logging out of online banking. You may have noticed a setting in your browser called “cache” (pronounced cash). The cache stores web pages that you have viewed so they are quickly available if you want to view the web page again, such as when you click on the “back” button.
Clearing your cache will erase the pages you have viewed and prevent unauthorized viewing of your financial information. Please click on your browser Help menu for information on clearing your cache.
Do not use the auto complete feature
Some browsers and other software have an “auto complete” feature that saves your user name/id and password so you don't have to enter the information each time you visit a site.
We highly recommend that you do not use this feature for your online banking account and password.
Install and use up-to-date antivirus and/or firewall software and a current web browser
Avoid email communication for sensitive information
Email communications are not encrypted and therefore are not a secure means of communication over the Internet. Sensitive member information should not be included in email communication. If you wish, you may include a phone number where we may contact you for more details or clarification.
Be aware of website spoofing and unsolicited emails
Web site spoofing is where a web site is setup to look like it belongs to a legitimate company but in fact, it does not. Once the web site is set up then emails are sent to individuals pretending to be the legitimate company. The email usually contains a link to the non-legitimate web site and entices the individual to enter a contest. This is so the non-legitimate party can obtain personal information that could be used for the purpose of committing fraud.
Requests for personal, financial or password information.