Customers of all financial institutions, including Servus Credit Union, should beware of "phishing" attempts. In a phishing attack, thieves use emails or fake ads to lure you to a replica of a real company's website, where they ask you to provide personal information such as passwords, credit card details or account numbers.
The site may look just like the website of your financial institution or another reputable company, but it isn't. Clever thieves will use the information provided to steal your money or your identity.
Phishing attacks have been doubling every month. Recent research reports that one in 20 people are fooled by these types of attacks, which is why the thieves keep at it.
One of our goals is to help you avoid getting caught by one of these scams. Servus Credit Union does not and will not send emails to members requesting personal information. Follow these steps to protect yourself:
- Don't open email attachments from anyone unless you know the sender and you are expecting the attachment.
- Don't click on links in emails or websites unless you are very sure the email came from someone you know and that the website is actually the site you think it is.
- Hover your mouse over any links or company logos to verify the website address.
- Don't disclose private information unless you initiated the need to do so.
- If you are asked to share your personal information through an unsolicited and suspicious email, website or mail that claims to be from Servus Credit Union, please report it to us immediately by:
- Visiting your branch
- Calling us at 187SERVUSCU/1.877.378.8728
- Completing our online form
- Check your monthly statements and report any discrepancies immediately.
- Create an alert in online banking for sign in and transaction activities as another way of monitoring your online banking account.